
Get perked up!

Whether you're in midtown skipping a meeting or need an excuse to ride the second avenue subway, come join us for a relaxing cup of your favorite coffee blend.

Convienently located on 37th street and 3rd avenue, and comfortably on 96st 2nd avenue, we provide a home away from home for you to take a load off and get perked up!


162 E 37th St, New York, NY 10016

1867 2nd Ave, New York, NY 10029



About Us !

At Perk Kafe we get our coffee from Stumptown Coffee Roasters the coffee production experts. Using Direct Trade, Stumptown receives their coffee directly from farmers located around the equator from all around the world. Choosing from hundreds of varieties, they have sourced and selected roughly a dozen they found to be truly special roasts, we know you will too.


~RESPECT the Coffee Gods~


We are a small business with a big personality. At Perk our goal is to provide an awesome cafe with a lot of character, delivering perfect coffee and free wifi in the process. We serve a variety of all natural, gluten free, and specialty drinks and treats, including Dough Doughnuts, matcha, and coldbrew to-go.

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